Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Itching and scratching...lumps and bumps making life miserable for your pet? These symptoms may not be caused by fleas or ticks...but may be the cause of other skin irritations or allergies. We can help your suffering pet. Ask us about your pets condition at your next appointment with us.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When you take your pet for a walk during the winter time, be sure to keep their feet in mind. To prevent frostbite, consider taking very short walks or buying your dog a pair of booties to protect their feet, and when you’re done with your walk, always wipe the sidewalk salt off the bottom of your pet’s feet, ingesting sidewalk salt can be very dangerous to your pet.


1.       Human and veterinary medications: 40% of all cases called to the Pet Poison Helpline in 2010 involved cats that improperly digested human or veterinary medications
2.       Poisonous plants – 14%
3.       Insecticides: 9% of cat calls were exposed to household insecticides or inappropriately treated with topical flea/tick medication meant for a dog
4.       Household cleaners: 6% of cats were exposed to household cleaners, such as kitchen and bath surface cleaners, carpet cleaners and toilet bowl cleaners
5.       Other poisons: remainder of calls involved less obvious toxins such as glow sticks and liquid potpourri

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Employee of the Month

Cherokee Animal Clinic is proud to honor Hilary VanderVelde, Office Manager, as our Employee of the Month! She has been working at Cherokee Animal clinic for about 13 years. She is the proud owner of two very playful dogs, Ponch and Allie, a very bossy cat named Lacy, and one slow-moving turtle named Snappy. She enjoys spending time outdoors camping, kayaking and sailing with her family and friends. We appreciate all of the contributions Hilary has made to the practice and we are happy to have her!
Did you know that fleas can survive in the cold winter weather? We recommend keeping your pet on a year round flea and tick preventative as well as a year round heartworm preventative, to ensure that your pet remains happy and healthy throughout the entire year.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is your pet starting to get a little grey around the muzzle? As your pet ages, it is important to maintain optimum health for their quality of life. Senior pets need more extensive risk assessment visitations. Teeth should be brushed daily, exercise routines are important and remember obesity is the number one health problem in older dogs. With routine blood and urine analysis and more frequent risk assessment exams, your pet will live a long and healthy life.